Question Marks on Sticky NotesNewtype Inc. proudly offers a range of translation services for our clients. Find out more about our company or contact us today to see how we can spread your message around the world.

What is a certified translation?
A certified translation is one that is accompanied by a signed statement of completion and accuracy -- to the best of the translator’s knowledge. This statement includes the claim that the document provided by Newtype Inc. is an exact translation of the source document. These are sometimes needed for legal proceedings, educational documents, etc.

What does it mean to “localize” a translation?
Localization is the process of modifying your translations for an audience in a targeted region of the world based on in-depth knowledge of that specific local culture.

What is the difference between interpretation and translation?
Translators work with the written language and should only work in their native language. Interpreters work with the spoken language and must go in both directions, so they have to speak both languages extremely well.

How many languages does Newtype Inc. support?
We are proud to provide translation services in over 130 languages.

How do you ensure high-quality translations?
Not only do we seek out highly qualified translators and proofreaders, we also utilize various tools to ensure your documents are consistent from one project to the next. We take pride in our commitment that your translation project is an accurate and high-quality representation of your original document.

What will the translation process look like?
It depends on what you want. We provide a range of translation services, such as verbal translation, editing, proofreading, and desktop publishing.

Will the project be translated by humans?
Our company exclusively provides “human” translations. That is, we do not use machine-generated translations on your project. This means that your translation jobs are hand-crafted by linguistic professionals, rather than having an algorithm spit out cookie-cutter phrases that often are riddled with grammatical errors.

Where are your translators located?
Our translators are located across the globe. We have established professional relationships with certified translators all over the world so that we provide you with the most accurate translations specifically tailored to your country of destination. For example, if a document is requested to be translated into Italian, we employ a translator that lives in Italy. This way, you can rest assured knowing that your translation is relevant and up-to-date with the linguistic norms of Italian culture.

Does Newtype offer proofreading of existing translations?
Absolutely. No matter what stage or shape your project is in, we are happy to step in to facilitate completion. It is important to us that your material is accurately conveyed to your target audience. We take pride in meeting you wherever you are to help accomplish this task.

What is normal turnaround time for a translation project?
Turnaround time varies for each project, depending on a number of factors. We take into account the word count and complexity of your source document, as well as the need for back translations, desktop publishing, and certification. Contact a project manager for details specific to your project.

What is a Translation Memory (TM)?
Translation Memory is a language pair database that stores phrases and segments of translated text. With the use of a TM, our translators can recall previous work done for any given client in order to aid in the construction of new translations. What does this mean for you as a client? It ensures you provide consistent terminology and phrasing from one project to the next. If part of your project includes a slogan, for example, a TM guarantees that the slogan would be translated the exact same way, time and time again.

What are the reasons for not using a free online translation tool?
While there have been notable improvements in certain internet translation features, these tools are still not reliable sources for use in any professional sector. Translation tools utilize statistical analysis to conjure up a phrase, which often results in contextual errors. These tools have no way of deciphering your audience, tone, or tense. While they may seem convenient and cost-effective, the results are unreliable, which proves risky for any business venture.

What is the major difference between a bilingual individual and a professional translator?
While both individuals need to have a strong grasp on the target language, translators are professional writers with years of university training that includes precise, proper grammar and spelling, as well as a familiarity with cultures of both the target and source language countries. Their linguistic knowledge base of both the source and target language allows them to provide translations that are true to the original text -- no matter how much technical terminology or figurative language may be involved.

What is transcreation and how does it differ from literal translation?
The goal of translation is to provide our clients with a document that is equivalent to their original -- only in a different language. Transcreation, however, is a bit more complex. Have you ever heard the term “lost in translation?” This phrase came about due to the fact that sometimes it’s not quite possible to say the exact same thing in another language. Transcreation aims to bridge that gap by focusing not necessarily on literal content, but on the emotional reaction that is ultimately desired. Transcreation is especially useful for marketing content, where it is important to preserve the intent of the source language to inspire action from readers.

Contact us if you have additional questions about our translation services.